GPS Soil PH Mapping
Soil Testing – are your tests older than 5 years?
According to “The Reduction and Prevention of Agricultural Diffuse Pollution Regulations” 2018 from DEFRA, “When planning an application of organic manure and manufactured fertiliser to cultivated land, you must ensure that the results of soil sampling and analysis are taken into account. In order to do this your soil test results can not be older than 5 years”
To enable the application of the correct agricultural lime products according to the soil type of your land, you need accurate GPS Soil PH Mapping. An up to date representation of the soil and its variations within a specific area will show you the quantity needed and most importantly, exactly where it needs to be applied. This type of planning and agricultural soil testing is an essential factor in delivering the best yields from your land.
How is GPS Soil PH Mapping calculated?
The Global Positioning System is a highly accurate means of navigation using signals from satellites to identify a location on the planet’s surface. The signal is transmitted from the position in the field and is bounced back from several GPS satellites orbiting the Earth to the GPS receiver.
By using our GPS mapping software we are able to pinpoint our exact location in the field where soil samples are taken. The soil samples are sent to our selected laboratory for further analysis.
In order to create the pH spread map the longitude and latitude of each sample point is used to create the varied zones.
Each zone is assigned a rate based on the pH level in order to efficiently lime your field with a GPS variable rate spreader.
GPS Soil PH Mapping from S&S Agricultural Liming Ltd
By using our GPS soil PH mapping you will be able to comply with the new DEFRA regulations through our Soil Testing Contract, which is proven to be successful. This procedure consists of a third or a quarter of your farm being tested and mapped in a 3 to 4 year rotation to ensure all farmed fields are up to date. Please contact us for further details.